Baños and Quilatoa, Ecuador

From the jungles of Cuyabeno we were ready for the cool weather of the mountains. We took an overnight bus to Banos. It’s a relaxed town with a ton of adventure sports on offer and a smattering of good restaurants. The setting is beautiful and we happily lazed a few days away before we started some adventure.

I was contacted by a new friend Holguer through – he was interested in climbing with us, and he had the gear we needed. We happily obliged and spent a beautiful day sport climbing. We also rented mountain bikes and toured the local waterfalls.

After a few days we found ourselves craving a more rural experience and headed to Quilatoa. It reminded us of Crater Lake in Oregon, it’s basically the same thing but the tropical version. We walked around the entire crater and hit our high point so far at 13,000ft.

Written by:

Scott Dusek is a writer and photography originally from Seattle, Washingon.

One Comment

  1. February 1, 2017

    I will be updating the text of this post when I get a little more time.

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